Saturday, August 11, 2007

Lost Planet (PC) to Get Update

After opening to a rather cold response (oh the irony) Capcom's all set to warm gamers up with a free update for the PC version of Lost Planet (which should be available by the 20th of July) that’ll include four multiplayer maps as well as three playable characters from the Capcom universe: Frank West from Dead Rising, Joe from Lost Planet and Mega Man. But wait, there's more...

The download will also feature several new view modes including a "Resident Evil 4" style view and a new"“Wide" view option. Multiplayer mode has been updated and now includes a list of connected players for easy reference. A movie mode has also been added to the game which enables players to watch all the in-game story line cut scenes back to back.

I don’t think this can still hide the fact that the game was a pretty piss poor port.