Saturday, August 11, 2007

DotA Hero Guides - New Heroes III

Unlike the other new heroes Lanaya is not a hybrid; she’s a pure burst damage dealer that can dish out a lot of hurt in no time, and get outta battle safe and sound. She’s got a small HP pool though, so you’d be wise to beware of ganks and play smart.

The Good:
Low Cooldown/mana cost on spells
High damage output
Can setup ganks really well

The Bad:
Terrible Strength Growth
Vulnerable to ganks

Refraction (Mana Cost – 75/ Cooldown – 23 Sec.)
Description: Manipulating psionic energy around herself granting a mystical refraction of light that protects her from external harm and giving her bonus damage for a limited number of instances (the instances change from 2 to 5 depending on the skill level. The effect lasts for 20 seconds, and deals 20, 40, 60 or 80 damage depending on level.

Lanaya has a really small hitpoint pool which makes her really vulnerable to both physical and magical damage. Refraction helps her on both offensive and defensive fronts by blocking incoming damage as well boosting her damage output, making it an extremely important skill for her. We’ll max this skill out first so that you get that extra bit of damage to help you farm, as well as face up to most heroes.

Meld (Mana Cost – 50 / Cooldown – 7 Sec.)
Description: The art of Shakuras allows Lanaya to conceal herself at any time of the day and strike from the shadows with her armor-shredding blades. Deals bonus damage and reduces enemy armor (by 2, 4, 6, and 8) for 10 seconds. The attack does 50 to 200 bonus damage depending on the spell level.

Meld is a great skill, provided you’re in range of your enemy to use it. If your Psi Blades aren’t maxed out, you’re gonna have a tough time using this skill since the range will only be 140, which is almost as good as melee. We shall get this spell after you’ve maxed out Psi Blades.

Psi Blades (Mana Cost – N/A / Cooldown – N/A)
Description: Using her psionic powers, the Templar causes enemy units behind her target to feel the same pain as the target itself. This psionic power extends her attack range. The range and damage spill bonus increases with level from 40 to 160 and 60 to 240 respectively.

This skill helps increase Lanaya’s attack range as well gives her a good amount of splash damage. If you’re gonna use Meld effectively, you’re surely gonna need this spell

Psionic Trap (Mana Cost –15/ Cooldown – 10 Sec.)
Description: Creates psionic traps on ground. When triggered, it will slow units within 400 range by 50% for 5 seconds. The maximum level of traps that can be set increases from 5 to 11 with spell level.

You’ve just gotta love this ultimate! It has an insane cast range, low cooldown, low mana cost, and helps you escape as well as gank; so what’s not to like? If you wish to, you can use it as a sentry ward at rune locations and to detect incoming ganks. Make sure to be liberal with their placements, but try and scatter them around a single lane (preferably the one you’re in) to help you and your teammates by slowing your foes.

Skill Build –

Level 1 - Psi Blades lvl 1
Level 2 – Refraction lvl 1
Level 3 – Refraction lvl 2
Level 4 – Psi Blades lvl 2
Level 5 – Refraction lvl 3
Level 6 – Psionic Trap
Level 7 – Refraction lvl 4
Level 8 - Psi Blades lvl 3
Level 9 - Psi Blades lvl 4
Level 10 – Meld lvl 1
Level 11 –Psionic Trap
Level 12 – Meld lvl 2
Level 13 – Meld lvl 3
Level 14 – Meld lvl 4

Early Game:
Items you should buy:

Play a little defense before you get level 2 Refraction, since you don’t have the hitpoint or the damage to face an enemy hero head on. Level 3 onwards though, you can afford to cast Refraction and get the enemy hero a few times to harass him. If his range is too much or he’s nuking the crap outta you, just stay back and keep farming a little and trying to get denies. Your objective is to farm as well as possible since you’re gonna need the cash to buy a Mithril Hammer and a pair of Boots.

Mid Game:
Items you should buy:

At this stage of the game, your Refraction and Psi Blades should be maxed out and you should have 1-2 levels of Meld; it’s time to start ganking. Before a gank, remember to place a few traps in the direction you expect the enemy hero to run. If you have another hero with you, ask him to force the enemy hero back by engaging him, and ensure that you’re near a trap that’s placed behind the enemy. Meld yourself and hit the enemy with the first shot, reducing his armor and detonating the trap so that you get that extra bit of damage to take him down with ease. Once you have enough cash, get yourself a Stygian Desolator to completely annihilate the armor of your enemy (since Meld reduces armor too), so that you can pound on him without any damage reduction.

Late Game:
Items you should buy:

The next item on your shopping list is a Butterfly. You should be able to farm with relative ease at this point, thanks to your high damage output and your splash damage. You can set up to 11 traps at this point, so use them wisely and distribute them in areas your team's headed too. With the help of your teammates, you should be able to decimate your foes with ease. Just be sure to use Refraction whenever you're in battle and the cooldown's over, since it's the only defensive skill you have at this point. Don't be foolish and Meld right near area damage heroes while you're on low health, else you're sure to get slaughtered. Play wisely, and ensure that you always participate in team battles to drive your team to victory.

Optional Item(s):