Saturday, August 11, 2007

Linksys Wireless - G Music Bridge

We're all looking for ways to enhance our normal living experience right? Since we're labor-saving and entertainment devices are prevalent in every household I’m sure a major problem we face with the "enhanced living" scenario is wiring. But no worries people, we have plenty of options out there that are quite capable of eradicating the said problem. Wi-Fi is the way to go boys and girls, so break out the trumpets and boom boxes for here comes Linksys' latest development the Wireless – G Music Bridge.

What would you expect this to look like? I mean really. But let me tell you anyways. It's small lightweight and rectangular. It has an antenna on the right and... well that's it really. The three indicators located in the front are for the power, Ethernet and Wi-Fi signal connectivity.

At the rear you'll find the connections for – Audio (stereo obviously - RCA), 3.5mm line out, coaxial out and optical out. Then of course there's the Ethernet slot and adapter port (12VDC 500mA). Between them is tiny reset button that can be accessed using a pin.

Taking the Bridge
Let me explain how the Music Bridge works. In the simplest of terms, the bridge is connected to an Amplifier via RCA (from the audio out) or you also have the option of using the Line out. So you're wire would need to be a single 3.5 mm to RCA cable. The opposite ends would go into any of the amp channels.

So basically what the Bridge does is send signals to your Wi-Fi router or any other supported devices and you can comfortably listen to music on your PC or Laptop that's playing on your amp. Look Ma, no wires!