Saturday, August 11, 2007

Halo 2 Single Player Impressions

Released way back in 2001 as one of the launch titles for the first generation Xbox, Halo was a milestone in gaming for Xbox owners everywhere. Sure it was a killer game but it wasn’t anything PC gamers had not seen before as a result of which they weren’t as impressed as their console brethren. Developer Bungie quickly followed up with a sequel in 2004 that fared even better than its predecessor in every which way firmly establishing Master Chief as an iconic figure in the video game industry. And now in 2007 we have Halo 3 that’s all set to dominate the Xbox 360 charts once again but that’s really not what this article is about; we’re here to talk about the PC version of Halo 2 which as you all know is a launch title for Microsoft’s latest Operating System, Windows Vista. So is the game worth the time, money, energy, patience and not to mention upgrade? Bwahahahahhahahaha... hahahahahahahahaha!

All right then... now that I’m a bit composed let’s take a minute and analyze the situation here to find out what caused this hysterical outburst. For starters, the game’s 3 years late in coming to the PC; sure the game was a rage back in the day but after PC gamers have been spoilt with stuff like F.E.A.R. and Half Life 2, how can you expect to impress them with such a mediocre port? Next, the game looks pretty bad as compared to current games in the market and even though they had three years to polish this game, we only get a little aliasing, sharper textures and higher resolutions. And finally, the only way you’re going to be able to play this game is if you upgrade to Windows Vista (the cheapest version costs Rs. 6,000). Oh and I almost forgot, co-op which was an integral part of the Halo 2 experience for the Xbox IS NOT present in the PC version (just like they did for Halo). So in conclusion we have a three year old game that doesn’t bring anything new to the table and forces you to upgrade to Vista; still think I’m crazy?