Friday, October 19, 2007

HD DVD Might Knock Out Blu-ray

Forrester research has come up with a report claiming that HD DVD might beat Blu-ray. This is news for everyone in the world, though it's vital to read between the lines. The publication says that the two camps are "fighting what seems to be a war of attrition for consumers’ hearts and minds", but concludes that Blu-ray makers need to cut prices dramatically:

"Blu-ray needs to offer a viable hardware model at the 250 dollar price point by Christmas 2007. The camp must also stave off further studio defections, and employ more aggressive promotional tactics to counter HD DVD’s recent momentum." If the camp can’t deliver on this it risks opening up the format to a "possible upset defeat at the hands of HD DVD".

Exclusive deals of HD DVD with Paramount and Dreamworks will definitely push their champion through a few rounds. Dreamworks has announced that the HD DVD of Shrek III will become available on November 13 (in the UK).

Unique extras will include a PIP storyboard reel that branches to lost scenes and three web-enabled downloads, including Shrek’s Trivia Track, a World of Shrek movie guide, and Donkey’s Digital Coloring Book.

Such advanced functionality is not yet possible on the Blu-ray platform, giving credence to Dreamworks' assertion that creative potential was a key consideration in the decision to back Blu-ray.

But are the Forrester dudes forgetting something? Millions of people have Blu-ray in their house, in the form of the PS3. So thats a headstart, rather a full-body start.

Then of course the 150-something million deal struck by the HD DVD camp can be easily re-struck between other big studios and the Blu-ray boys. So the Red vs Blue battle goes on...