Saturday, November 17, 2007

Microsoft To Release Two Security Patches

"Patch Tuesday" is almost upon us and as usual brings with it, a number of security fixes.

However, this time around unlike previous occasions, there are only 2 security patches. The first security patch is marked critical and will fix a critical vulnerability that allows remote code execution. This fix is intended for the problem caused by Macrovision’s Secdrv driver, which is security software designed to prevention piracy of games.

In its Microsoft Security Advisory (944653), Microsoft has said, "We are aware of limited attacks that try to use the reported vulnerability. Microsoft is actively monitoring this situation to keep customers informed and to provide customer guidance as necessary. Upon completion of this investigation, Microsoft will take the appropriate action to help protect our customers. This will include providing a security update through our monthly release process."

The second security patch is rated as “important” and it fixes a “spoofing” vulnerability in Windows that Microsoft planned to fix last month but however deferred.