Saturday, November 17, 2007

Asus To Introduce EEE PC Desktop Next Year

Asus who has recently tasted success with its EEE PC based small laptop, has now indicated that it will be introducing a desktop version of its small Linux-based laptop. This revelation came from Jonathan Tseng, Asus' President of Marketing who told Digitimes that the company intends to get the new mini-machine into shops by sometime next year. He went on to add that the new desktop unit will not have a viewing unit (monitor) and that price and specifications are yet to be decided.

This announcement raises a number of interesting questions. Though Asus managed to make a success of its mini laptop, the desktop market is an entirely different beast. For starters, the processing power available in comparison is far more than that available in budget laptops. Secondly this is not a new idea. Quite a few manufacturers like Shuttle and Apple itself have been retailing SFF PCs for quite a few years. Keeping these factors in mind, it’s going to be difficult for Asus to penetrate this market.