Friday, August 10, 2007

The Laptop for 2015

The popularity of laptops seems to be steadily increasing to the point, that now any individual with a basic idea of mechanical design seems to be 'showing off' concept machines that probably will never make it to the market. This growing trend can be seen from the fact that Felix Schmidberger a designer recently unveiled what he calls "the laptop for 2015".

The oddly named “Compenion” will sport an OLED touch screen which will double up as an onscreen keyboard. The laptop will be controlled by a "senstylus" pen or by hand and will with the help of external docking stations double up as either entertainment centers at home or serious business machines at work.

While this concept laptop indeed does look like a drool-worthy product, given the rate at which things are changing in computing now days we could probably see a product like this as soon as 2010.