Friday, August 10, 2007

Build A Vista Premium PC Under Rs 40,000

The launch of Windows Vista is just around the corner, 30th January to be precise. And all those peeps planning to get a new PC just need to hang on a little more (unless you are not planning to pay for your copy). In the ensuing article we will be building a Vista Premium PC. Unlike Windows XP, Microsoft this time around, specifies two different minimum hardware requirements for running Vista. They are:

A Windows Vista Capable PC includes at least:
A modern processor (at least 800MHz).
512 MB of system memory.
A graphics processor that is DirectX 9 capable.

Windows Vista Premium Ready PC includes at least:
1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
1 GB of system memory.
Support for DirectX 9 graphics with a WDDM driver, 128 MB of graphics memory (minimum), Pixel Shader 2.0 and 32 bits per pixel.
40 GB of hard drive capacity with 15 GB free space.
DVD-ROM Drive.
Audio output capability.
Internet access capability.

So what can the Premium version do that a 'Vista Capable' can’t ?
In a single world 'Aero'. The new aero user interface is very visual, complete with features such as glass-like interface elements, translucent Start Menu and taskbar, Windows Flip 3D, and Live Taskbar Thumbnails.

Windows Flip 3D

In the earlier versions of windows the user interface was rendered in software. In Vista with Aero, it utilizes the hardware capabilities of your graphics card. It’s not in entirety that systems with on-board graphics will be unable to run Aero, rather these systems will run very slowly, may be unstable and hence would reduce the overall productivity. In fact onboard graphic chips like Nvidia’s 6150 for AMD processors and Intel’s latest X3000 for the 965 chipset are Windows Vista Premium capable. But a dedicated graphic card is always the best option.

So our aim here, is to build a PC that is decently powerful, feature rich, isn’t unnecessarily expensive and of course is Vista Premium capable. So without further ado let’s bring forth the Vista Premium machine.