Friday, August 10, 2007

Impact M6836 SLI

In my last article, Case Lighting, we saw how one could go about pimping their computer cases using different case lighting products. Modifying and customizing cases is generally enthusiast territory. Another kind of enthusiast is the overclocker. Overclockers push the components of a computer system like the processor, RAM and the graphics card to run at much higher speeds than they are supposed to, at default. There are some who purely do it for the numbers i.e. the benchmarks and others who overclock to extract as much horsepower as possible to get the maximum FPS (frames per second) in games. Whatever the case, it takes a fair bit of learning and experimenting with your hardware to achieve desirable results. As mentioned earlier, overclocking and modding is mostly enthusiast territory. Those who are passionate about it, will go ahead trying and experimenting and figuring their own way out. But there are quite a few who desire custom modified and overclocked systems but don't have the time, inclination or the expertise to go about making one. And just for them we have India's first commercial vendor that sells custom modified and overclocked systems, called 'Exfinity'.

Exfinity has sent us their PC based on the ‘Spiderman’ theme that they had recently sent for a contest organized by Intel and Digit. Exfinity won the first prize for their entry. Please note that custom modified cases based on the ‘Spiderman’ theme are not available for sale, as Exfinity doesn’t possess the rights to the Spiderman brand name. They have used this theme only for the contest to showcase their case modding prowess. You can always get your own custom design made at Exfinity. Now that the legal stance has been made clear, let’s dissect the system to see what lies beneath.