Wednesday, August 22, 2007

iPhone Part I - Features and Connectivity

I’ve already mentioned that the iPhone’s interface is quite extraordinary and Laiq has told you about its Audio and Video capabilities. There is of course plenty more to talk about. But with all the hype created about how futuristic and capable this phone is, let's just see how much of a super phone this is when it comes to its various features.

Misc. Features
The iPhone hype may have been exaggerated a bit in my opinion. The phone, although it has few features, copes well when compared to most high end phones out there at the moment. But the question is – Does it fare better considering the huge amount of attention it gets? The answer is – Not really. Let me elaborate. The iPhone has all the features that any other phone has. From the Calculator and Calendar to the GPS. It’s all there. Or is it? Let’s start from the top and see what the iPhone has.

First off, the iPhone’s calendar function. Although it obviously looks a wee bit different from the calendar function of any other phone, it’s not dissimilar in any way. But then again, how different could they make it right? It serves its purpose well. It allows you to see tasks or reminders scheduled in choices of per day, week or month. You can edit them, set alarms etc. Nothing new here at all.

Next up is the Stock market option. I’m not entirely sure why it’s here. My guess would be to Business-ize the iPhone. Since I’m not one to play around with the Stock Market, it doesn’t make much of a difference to me. My issue with this application is – this phone is not directed to strictly the business sector so having a dedicated Stock Market application doesn’t really make too much sense. But never the less (sigh) it’s there in case you do want to check your stocks.