Wednesday, August 22, 2007


surrounding it, but it becomes a benchmark of sorts for other games in that particular genre... BioShock is one such game! Now I never managed to play System Shock 2 back in the day and Nikhil’s constantly been reminding me on how I was missing out on an extremely atmospheric experience but only after playing BioShock (which by the way is hailed as the spiritual successor to System Shock 2) do I finally understand what the brother was talking about all this time. BioShock is by far one of the most intense and atmospheric games I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing and is every reason to invest in an Xbox 360 or a beefed up PC.

One thing I need to clear out before we dive into the review is that BioShock is not an RPG, so if you’re expecting somewhat of an underwater Oblivion you will be disappointed. BioShock can best be described as a survival horror cum action adventure that takes place from a first person perspective with copious amounts of RPG elements thrown in. The game is pretty linear since it forces you to abide by the story line but at the same time it grants you the freedom to tackle a particular situation any which way you feel fit. But before I start discussing gameplay mechanics, let’s take a quick look at the game’s central plot.