Thursday, April 17, 2008

Orkut launches its Mobile Version and Low Bandwidth Site

Orkut has silently released a low bandwidth version of their site for users with dialup or GPRS.

If you have a slow internet connection or a Pay-Per-MB internet plan you should definitely use the lo-fi version of Orkut. To this this:
Navigate to General Settings
Choose “show the low bandwidth version of orkut” option button.
Hit Save Changes.
Enjoy a faster and low data usage Orkut!

Selecting this option switches your account to a low bandwidth version where images in scrapbook, profile pages and the user’s orkut homepage are disabled.

Orkut also has a mobile version of its site for people who have GPRS enabled on their handsets. The mobile version can be found at - this mobile version lets you read scraps, receive recent updates from friends and you can also approve or decline new friend requests.

Happy Orkutting!