Monday, November 5, 2007

Opera Releases Mini 4 Beta and Opera Link

Opera today released Opera Link. Wherever you are, whatever Opera browser you use, or whichever device you use Opera on, you can instantly access your bookmarks, Speed Dial, and personal bar.

Opera Link is supported in Opera 9.5 beta and the newest beta of Opera Mini 4. There is also a Web interface for users of any browser at The Opera Web browser for PC/Mac/Linux and Opera Mini are available completely free for anyone to use and enjoy.

Opera Link allows users to sync bookmarks between PC and mobile device, and also supports RSS feeds. Another great feature the Opera server offers is that the compression level of pages is carried out well enough to help reduce data charges. This Java-based app can be installed in virtually any mobile.

"The web provides a key platform for mobilising content across a wide range of devices and web browsers remain the primary portal to that content," said Tony Cripps, senior analyst, Ovum. "Tighter functional integration between browsers running on different devices is a natural and important extension that will further benefit the user experience of the web when away from the PC."

"We refuse to believe people should compromise their experience when they access the Web from different devices," said Jon von Tetzchner, CEO, Opera. "With Opera Link, we give them a consistent experience uniquely suited to the way they want to use the Web. But as cool as we think Opera Link is now, we're already hard at work making it even more valuable to our users in the future. Opera Link means convergence without compromise."

Via GSM Arena.


Cool Wizard said...

man good blog i must say. but you cheating me. you removed my links from your blog and your blog's links are still there on my blog . go and check there. further i have a better offer for you for link exchange. pls contact me at coolwizardz[at]gmail[dot]com ..

hoping to hear from you soon.
have a nice day :)