Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Rest In Peace Palm Foleo

Remember the Palm Foleo? It was Palm’s accompaniment to their mobile phones. If you haven’t heard of it, chances are you might not as Palm CEO Ed Colligan has decided it’s going to be canceled. He posted a message on the company’s official blog stating the same. Palm is one of the widest used platforms in the mobile industry and the Foleo was an add on to their existing platform.

“It has become clear that the right path for Palm is to offer a single, consistent user experience around this new platform design and a single focus for our platform development efforts. To that end, and after careful deliberation, I have decided to cancel the Foleo mobile companion product in its current configuration and focus all of our energies on delivering our next generation platform.” is what CEO Ed Colligan states in his blog entry.

So Palm has decided to go back to the drawing board and do what they do best – come up with another winner for their large user base. This decision is based on their idea to stick to developing their next generation of mobile phone platform and a Foleo II will be developed based on that platform.