Friday, August 31, 2007

Games of September 2007

This year is being hailed as one of the greatest years for gaming and supporting that theory is the month of September that has tons of good stuff coming your way.

Heavenly Sword (PS3)
Release Date: Mid September
Genre: Action/Adventure

The PS3’s very first potential system seller will finally hit Indian stands this September (as confirmed by Milestone Interactive). In case you haven’t been following this game, it’s all about an ancient weapon of great power called the Heavenly Sword that’s wielded by a crazy little bitch called Nariko. Her aim is to liberate the land of the evil king Bohan during which tons of gratuitous violence, killer context sensitive actions, gorgeous visuals and impressive boss fights ensues. There is a demo of this game floating about on the PlayStation Network so you may want to try that out before shelling out nearly 2,800 bucks on this game.

skate (Xbox 360 PS3)
Release Date: 11th September 2007
Genre: Sports

After exploiting the World War II scene (Medal of Honor series), underground tuner scene (NFS Series) and not to mention countless sports game (FIFA, NFL, Nascar etc etc) mega corporation EA have finally turned their sights to the world of skating. This particular genre was ruled by Tony Hawk and his 555,5555,5555 Tony Hawk games released on nearly every platform on the planet but EA now plan on giving developer Neversoft a run for their money with Skate. Those who want to experience the game for themselves can hop across to Xbox Live Marketplace for a hefty single player demo that allows players to try out some of the game’s unique features.
Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Release Date: 25th September 2007
Genre: First Person Shooter

Umm yeah!

DiRT (PS3)
Release Date: 11th September 2007
Genre: Racing

One of the finest off road racers on the block right now, DiRT finally makes its way to the PS3 this month. The PS3 version of this game will boast of the same content as the Xbox 360 version; only it’ll probably run at a better frame rate. For more on the game, head over to our Xbox360 review here.

Stranglehold (Xbox360 PS3 PC)
Release Date: 14th of September
Genre: Third Person Action

Funny seeing this game here again huh? Well it’s a long story that goes something like this. The Xbox 360 as well as the PC versions of this game were to release on the 27th of August but they both have been pushed to the 5th of September. And the PS3 version that was to ship on the 14th of September is still on track so yeah, that’s the reason you’re seeing this game in this list all over again.

World in Conflict (Xbox360 PC)
Release Date: 18th September 2007
Genre: Real Time Strategy

What if the Cold War never ended? World in Conflict (WiC) will allow you to explore all those possibilities by immersing players in a World War II scenario where the Soviet Union wages war on American soil and against NATO forces all at once, in a bid to retain power. Unlike most of the RTSs on the block, WiC does not bother players with stuff like base building or resource gathering; instead it gives them a fixed amount of cash to purchase units and upgrades with, adding a new flavor to the strategy genre. To get a better understanding of the game, head over to our Downloads section for a shiny single player demo.

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
Release Date: 17th September
Genre: Racing

A sequel to the not-so-popular 2005 game, Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights will allow players to indulge in some street racing action all over again. The focus once again lies on the “Tuner Culture” so expect tons of car tuning, scantily dressed babes, guys called Razr (or something to that effect) and a brand new drift mode as well. Now I understand if you’re pretty skeptical about this game since the first game was a tad crappy (although it had tons of interesting concepts later adopted by NFS) so you can play it safe by heading over to Xbox Live to check out the single player demo of this game.

Warhawk (PS3)
Release Date: Mid September
Genre: Action

Even though this game was present on last month’s list, the retail version hits stores this September for around 1799. For those who have no clue as to what the game’s all about, here’s a slight heads up: Warhawk will play out like a next gen version of Battlefield with tons of players taking each other apart using a barrage of futuristic weapons and vehicles like planes, tanks and jeeps. The game was to have a single player mode as well, but that got scrapped as developer Incognito Games turned all their resources towards the game’s multiplayer component.