Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gadgets Inspired By The Transformers(part 2)

These are also two characters from the Transformers universe. And Takara Tomy has crafted these little guys into portable earphones; perhaps they could help enhance the Soundwave Mp3 player, who knows. But they are cool nevertheless. You could also use them on any other player as well.

They transform from normal (slightly large) earphones into these cool little robots on your ears. I have to admit though; they do look a bit odd. Kind of like two odd people hanging from your ears.

Optimus Prime PC Case Mod
Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots is an extremely popular figure with cartoon or comic book fans. In fact he’s such a large figure someone actually decided to construct a CPU Case Mod in his like. It isn’t a small one either, standing at six feet Ten Inches.

It’s not some normal PC either (obviously), in the sense that it’s a high-powered Intel Dual Core PC. It even has a 7 inch LCD on the body itself with separate storage space built into the legs. The body also transforms to fit on your desktop. Gimmeee!!!

Via Engadget.