Sunday, August 26, 2007

3 Gadgets Inspired By The Transformers

The Transformers have been a phenomenon since way back when Punk Rock was a new concept and there was no such thing as a Telly-Tubbie (thank God!). There really isn’t any need to explain why. Vehicles turn into Robots. Need I say more? Nope. Didn’t think so. Artificial intelligence at it’s best, Robots with personalities and the never ending struggle of Good versus Evil. The good thing is that most of their adventures were right here, on our very own, planet Earth with human heroes as well. The recent Transformers movie has rocked the world with its spectacular graphics and a look and feel that’ll make Transformers fans feel nostalgic. But what these ‘Robots in Disguise’ have spawned is a sense of creativity to design everyday devices to be like them. Here are a few of them.

Cell Phone Transformer – Communitron (Tech2 nickname)
The cell phone is today’s portable computer. It’s not artificially intelligent, well not too much anyways. But it’s a step in that direction nevertheless. But what if your cell phone had a mind of it’s own? What if it could actually transform into sentient being and wreck havoc on your a**? Or protect it? Hell I know I’d want one! It just so happens the guys down at Parkoz Hardware have this great concept for a mobile phone that converts into this little robot that actually shoots bullets and stuff. How cool is that.

Soundwave Mp3 Player – Rockin’ Robo
For those who came in late, Soundwave is the Decepticons (the baddies) infiltration expert. He transformed into a Boombox from which 3 cassettes pope out each transforming into individual Decepticons (Rumble, Laserbeak and Ravage). Takara Tomy, the Toy maker (now that’s an Alliteration if I ever saw one) has given the world an honest-to-goodness Soundwave mp3 player that transforms. And the best part yet – pop open the cassette part on the front and you can slip in an SD card for more memory. AWESOME!