Monday, November 19, 2007

Amazon to Unveil E-Book Reader Inc. is expected to unveil its long-awaited e-book reader at a media event Monday in New York, according to this report.

Word of the Kindle, as the device is called, made its way onto blogs more than a year ago, but the Web retailer has remained mum on details. CNet reported that the reader will cost $399 and be able to connect to Amazon's e-book store via a Wi-Fi connection or with a Sprint Nextel Corp. cellular connection.

Craig Berman, an Amazon spokesman, declined to comment. The company sent out media invitations for an event at the W Hotel in New York's Union Square neighborhood on Monday but would not discuss the reason for the event.

The device is reported to have a headphone jack for listening to audio books, and can be set to automatically download content, such as the New York Times.