Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Guitar Hero III (Wii) won't go Online Initially

In an interview with Kai Huang, president and co-founder of RedOctane, Pro-G revealed some interesting facts about Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock on the Wii. It turns out that the online mode will be available for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game at launch, and the Wii will be left out; that’s only for a while though, the Wii will get an online version eventually. Here’s the Q & A that got them the info –

Pro-G: What systems will gamers be able to venture online with? Anything planned for the Wii?

KH: There is online for the PS3 and Xbox 360. There won't be online initially for the Wii, but we are working with Nintendo to see how we can get those features in.

Does this mean that the game will sell less on the Wii? (lol) Hell no! Got Wii… Gotsa have GHIII! I cannot wait to buy the game for my 360, and shred that gorgeous guitar on some killer Metallica tracks.

[Via EvilAvatar]