Thursday, August 30, 2007

Windows Vista Taking its Toll on Users

Yes! Users and sellers have given a big boo to all the flavors of the latest operating system from Microsoft - Windows Vista. After the initial euphoria around it, their expensive piece of advice (read caution) is - ‘Stick to XP’!

Janak Mehta, Project Manager with, Adweb Tech Trade has been using Vista for the past four months now, as his notebook was bundled with the Windows Vista Professional Edition. He says, “It has been crashing ever since I have been on it and keeps asking silly questions, consuming my time.” Janak who is well-versed with programming and security related issues further said, “Agreed, it’s a highly secured OS, and might help novice users, but I will certainly not recommend this to my friends who know how to secure data and employ high-end applications.” He found that several of his programs and applications were not Vista compatible and had to continuously get online updates to move ahead in his projects.

It’s been six months since the most hyped OS from the global software giant was launched in India and most people we spoke to, have given their final verdict - A vehement No! to its Starter Edition, Professional, Premium or any edition you name.