Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sony Slash PlayStation 2 Prices

With the PlayStation 3 launching in November (hopefully), Sony has decided to slash the rates of the PS2 by about 20$, bringing its price down to 129$. Sony hopes this price cut will give this aging, yet extremely healthy console a big sales boost. Many expected the price of the PS2 to go below the 100$ mark, since Nintendo's Gamecube is priced at around 99$, but Sony reps don't think the Gamecube is that much of a threat.

Even though the PS2 isn't the most powerful console known to mankind, developers are churning out some AAA titles left, right and center on it. Some of 2007's most anticipated games, like God of War 2 are to be PS2 exclusive titles. This goes to show that the PS2 has a long way to go.